Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Charlie • 3 Year Update

So Mara & Charlie stopped by the studio the other day for Charlie's 3 year update. Seriously, I can't get enough of this kid. Getting a 3 year old to stay still and in a good pose is usually a challenge, but Charlie rocked it!! It doesn't hurt that his giggle and smile are insanely contagious. He brought the charm and we got some great shots.

I suggest having a special theme for each birthday update, something that is consistent in each one. With Charlie I purchased him an adult size dress shirt and tie. We will take at least one picture of him in this same shirt and tie each year until he is 18 or he outgrows it, whichever comes first. Here he is in the shirt & tie for his two year and three year update.

2 Year
3 Year

Here are some other favorites from this shoot.

I have a bunch of ideas on different themes to carry through yearly shoots. Want to hear more? Contact me & we can talk about starting a theme for your little one!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Simple Question Project - Gordon

So I started this project one day after three unexpected people stopped into the studio. Originally I thought I would like to photograph each person who came in, however seeing as many people may be put off by that idea, word would travel "She's the girl that takes your picture upon entry", then I would have no visitors, I soon revised my idea. I also wanted a story behind each of my visitors. So I came up with a (in my mind) simple question, "What is your dream job?".

For the dreamer that I am this is an easy question for me to answer. It is also a question that was asked of me during an interview almost two years ago, and one that I have since asked a handful of people. It is a question that after I honestly answered for myself started to solidify my plans to open the studio. Would you care to guess what my dream job is?

Gordon was one of my unexpected visitors the day this project was born. A sweet, simple older man, Gordon was a regular at the Pharmacy I managed before coming to the studio full-time. He is now a regular to the studio stopping in most every day to say "hello" and get a hug.

When asked "What is your dream job?" His reply was simple, to work at the new inn across the bridge as either a dishwasher or maintenance, doing odd jobs. Everyone has dreams, I am hoping I can help to make Gordon's come true, even if just for a day.

Gordon - Dishwasher, Maintenance Man

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Simple Question Project - Abdi & Aden

Yesterday I heard two guys outside the studio talking about the chalkboard I have out front with the question written on it. I peeked around my computer screen to see one of them peeking back at me. I stood and invited them in. At which I introduced myself and asked them, if they could have any job in the world, what would their dream job be. I found it very interesting that these two young guys didn't even have to think about it as they are still at the age of dreamers.

Abdi said he wanted to be a weight lifter and Aden a soccer player. I hope to see them back soon to give them their portraits and encourage them to follow their dreams, and at the very least to dream.

Aden- Soccer Player

Abdi - Weight Lifter

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Simple Question Project - Roger

I have a chalkboard sitting in front of my studio with a question on it. That question is meant to start a conversation, and at the very least make people think. The question has been outside for 4 days now. I just had my first person come in to inquire.

Roger: Is this serious?
Me: Yes, I want to know what your dream job is. If you could have any job in the world and money was no option, what would it be?
Roger: I would like to take all these empty buildings and make them into housing for single women and mothers.
Me: So almost like a housing developer?

This started the conversation of how when he was younger he wasn't to ask his parents for money but went out and worked for it, weather it be a newspaper route, raking hay, painting houses, raking blueberries. He worked for any money he needed/wanted. And his opinion of this ask and you shall receive mentality of the younger generation is leading to no where good.

I then asked Roger if I could take his portrait. He agreed. With this, I have the start to my simple question project. Meet Roger.