Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Simple Question Project • Carmen

I was wrapping up for the day at the studio when Carmen walked in. She asked "Is this for real?" I replied "It sure is!"

So I explained to her the question, if money was no option, what would your dream job be, it could be anything?

Her response was that she would like to work in Social Services and be able to give back to the community. She explained that as a 60 year old she has turned her life around from selling her jewelry for drug money to getting clean, moving to Maine and receiving her Bachelor's degree from USM with the goal to go for her Master's.

Carmen - Social Services

I could have talked with Carmen for a while and learn more about her journey, however another commitment called, I hope that she stops in again and fills me in with her progress. I really enjoy the conversations and stories I hear from this simple question project. With the summer pretty much here (better be by now!) I hope to get many more responses this year.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Simple Question Project • Eugene

I met Eugene when he came by a few weeks ago and asked if he could wash my windows for $4. A ridiculously low price I told him he was more than welcome to, however that I was not going to pay him $4.

He has since stopped by a few more times, once to chat about photography and a possible shoot he would like me to do for him and then again today to clean my windows again.

He asked about the question and if he would qualify -- I said absolutely! It has been a bit slow on the project with the winter and all hindering people from walking by as often.

Eugene's dream job is to be a recording artist, something I should have known as the shoot he would like me to do in the future is for an album cover. We talked more today about possible backdrops for his shoot and he likes the idea of the river, because, like a river, our lives are always moving, always changing. Fluid.

Here is Eugene.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Year in B&W - January 4th

During the winter months I spend a lot of time here, and I mean a lot. One of the patrons asked where my bedroom was because he swears I don't leave. The only other place I spend more awake hours is the studio. So I brought my camera along today. I shot wide open and had fun with depth of field.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Year in B&W - January 3rd

I've been sick since before the new year. I haven't been to the studio for a full day for a while. I left my camera there and didn't make it in today, so I had to use my phone for today's photo. I am not impressed with this one, but it seems like it's been my life for the last few days. Remember those Sudafed Medicine Head commercials? That's how I always feel when I have a cold and take cold meds, like my head is three times its size and everything is all fuzzy and floaty. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Year in B&W - January 2nd

This didn't turn out quite as I had hoped, perhaps I will try again soon.

I love the light that comes in through the windows at the studio, a few days ago it was awesome on the shelf I have that houses a few crocheted stuffed animals I made as well some wooden birdhouses I had gotten for a mini-shoot. It was one of those that I should have taken then, because it just wasn't the same when I actually picked up the camera.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Year in Black & White - My 365 Project - Day 1

January 1
This alley way is a pain in my ass because of the issues it and the neighboring building are causing to my building, but when the light was shining through when I parked today I couldn't help but want to photograph it. Not to mention before a few months ago you never would have gotten sun in the alley way as there were large buildings at the end blocking the light.