Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Year in B&W - January 4th

During the winter months I spend a lot of time here, and I mean a lot. One of the patrons asked where my bedroom was because he swears I don't leave. The only other place I spend more awake hours is the studio. So I brought my camera along today. I shot wide open and had fun with depth of field.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Year in B&W - January 3rd

I've been sick since before the new year. I haven't been to the studio for a full day for a while. I left my camera there and didn't make it in today, so I had to use my phone for today's photo. I am not impressed with this one, but it seems like it's been my life for the last few days. Remember those Sudafed Medicine Head commercials? That's how I always feel when I have a cold and take cold meds, like my head is three times its size and everything is all fuzzy and floaty. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Year in B&W - January 2nd

This didn't turn out quite as I had hoped, perhaps I will try again soon.

I love the light that comes in through the windows at the studio, a few days ago it was awesome on the shelf I have that houses a few crocheted stuffed animals I made as well some wooden birdhouses I had gotten for a mini-shoot. It was one of those that I should have taken then, because it just wasn't the same when I actually picked up the camera.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Year in Black & White - My 365 Project - Day 1

January 1
This alley way is a pain in my ass because of the issues it and the neighboring building are causing to my building, but when the light was shining through when I parked today I couldn't help but want to photograph it. Not to mention before a few months ago you never would have gotten sun in the alley way as there were large buildings at the end blocking the light.