So I see that I am WAY behind on my 29th year posts -- and I apologize to the maybe one person who was actually following those. I am not going to promise that others will get posted soon, or ever, but I will promise I will try.
What I do want to do today instead is document my process of becoming a building owner and starting up my studio! I wish I could say that today was my first full day in my new building, but I can't. We were supposed to close yesterday--which means I would actually be tearing up carpet right now instead of writing this post--however that didn't happen due to what was found when a Title Search was done. I am not going to go into it because it is just frustrating and I don't need that right now.
I will however show you all (or just you, my one person who actually follows my blog....) some pictures of the building. (Please keep your comments on the quality of the photography to yourself, I can just hear it now "You call yourself a photographer and all we get are pictures taken with your cell phone???") I hate to admit it but yes, these were taken with my cell phone, and no I do not carry my camera with me at all times, was I not worried about the safety of leaving it in my car I would, but my day job is not in the best part of town.... Fortunately the Studio will be in a better part of town!
Front of the building and my little zoom-zoom in front |
Looking up Court Street |
Backroom for prop storage & kitchenette -- not actually this yellow |
Other end of the backroom & basement entrance -- door on right is to a larger, non-insulated closet which may or may not be removed when we re-do the apartment entrance |
Left side of the space & door to bathroom & backroom. Where I am standing will be the kid's play area, the wall there will be the back part of the reception area |
Looking from the "studio" out -- where Kevin is standing will be reception, area near right window will be kids play area, area near left window will be viewing/waiting area |
The "Studio" area, where all the shoots will take place! |
As you can see not much work needs to be done to get it ready -- all freshly painted and pretty clean inside. I will be pulling up the carpet however and getting some floating laminent and carpet floor put in.